The Tamilnadu Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd
(A Government Of Tamil Nadu Undertaking)
The Growth Catalyst

Industrial Infrastructure Initiative Scheme


To extend financial assistance to New units as well as Existing running units (assisted and non-assisted by TIIC)  in Manufacturing & Service sectors for purchase of plots from SIDCO/SIPCOT


For Purchase of SIDCO/SIPCOT plots/sheds on outright sale/ long term lease respectively, directly allotted by SIDCO/SIPCOT


i.      New as well as existing units

ii.    CMR is not applicable for new units. CMR should be 6 and below for the applicant (existing units) and Associate units, if any.

iii.  CIBIL score of Promoters should be 600 and above.

(If it is -1, the same shall be accepted).


Proprietary, Partnership & Private Limited Companies are eligible.

Quantum of loan

100% cost of SIDCO/SIPCOT Plot/sheds as Interim loan.

Promoter’s Contribution

 25% of the plot cost  by way of  Margin Money Advance amount 

Primary security

First charge on the SIDCO/SIPCOT property

Collateral Security

Nil for new units.

If it is an existing assisted unit, the charge on the existing primary & collateral security shall be extended for the proposed loan.

Validity of sanction

The loan shall be disbursed directly to SIDCO/SIPCOT within the period stipulated by them for payment of land cost.